What are the genres of fiction?


What are the genres of fiction?

Children’s literature, books for children. This includes fairy tales, parables, cautionary tales, comics and coloring books, etc.

Ancient literature, myths, legends – these are books that have already become part of our history, books that come from antiquity.

Historical books. There are authors who, after a thorough study of various historical events, write books, investing the affairs of bygone days, in understandable and vivid for us images, and so, more understandable to explain the essence of past events. This category also includes military history.

Detectives are fictional stories, in which, without fail, the protagonists are the investigator, investigating a complex intricate matter, and the suspect. The plot necessarily present intrigue, and the denouement of the tangled story only becomes clear at the very end.

Fiction is a special kind of fiction. The author, as if looking into the future and anticipates some earthly events in his imagination. Often fiction is still fiction, but sometimes the author very accurately guess the course of history or technological progress. Jules Verne’s books are a good example of this.

Classics are books by authors whose writing style is recognized as a model to follow. Among writers: Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, Irving Shaw, Stendhal…

Poems and poetry is a special kind of literature, when with the help of associative images the author, speaks about his deep experiences and feelings.

Of course, the above classification is not complete and absolute. In many cases, it is difficult to determine which genre a particular work belongs to. For example, Orwell’s 1984, was written in 1947-1948 and at the time it fell into the category of science fiction. The book describes a fictional country with its existing order, but in terms of the meaning revealed in it – it is a book about politics, about power, about the role of man in a totalitarian society. Fiction, politics, philosophy and eternal questions about the meaning of existence, here joined together.

Moreover, the world is changing, technological progress is not standing still and now, in today’s literary world there is such a phenomenon as computer literature. These are books on working in a particular software environment, books on programming, which can be safely attributed to technical literature, but I want to show how today the genres can intertwine with each other.

However, our life is also an interweaving of various interests, research and life experiences, and books, as always, are simply a reflection of what we live by and what fills our soul…