About school


The school will run from June 10 to August 25. The program of the school is available on our website. The purpose of its holding is international scientific cooperation of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students, whose scientific interests are connected with research of actual problems of modern literature development, first of all, the phenomenon of modern styles of literature.

School participants will be able to enrich their knowledge and discuss issues related to the life and work of famous writers and poets.

Participants of the school are waiting for an extensive cultural program: visits to museums, rare collections of libraries, acquaintance with literary attractions.

If you are a beginner author, it is especially important for you to understand the peculiarities and intricacies of genre literature in order to understand for sure the direction of your future work. And your accuracy and foresight in choosing a genre will greatly influence the chances of your manuscript for publication.

After taking a summer course at our school, students can already lay the foundation for their future career. In a world that is becoming ever smaller as a result of globalization, international experience is needed more than ever. Studying with us, students will develop their communicative skills and team spirit. Experience will induce them to expand their horizons and open their minds academically and culturally to meet the challenges of the modern world.

Teachers of the school are international experts, scientists, which sphere of the research interests are works of the world literary emigration, created in its different periods, but united by a common idea.